Mumbai Strikers SC have added fresh legs to their squad this season to power up their campaign in the Super Division. In addition to the four new signings earlier, MS have selected Akshay Modak, Manthan Mehta and Rushabh Lakhwani for this years Super Division season.
Akshay M made an amazing debut as he found himself in the right position most of the time in the encounter against Income Tax which ended 1-1. Akshay M is aggressive and ambitious towards goal and is an asset in the attacking department. Manthan made his place in the squad as a midfielder and has the ability to distribute the ball well. While in defending mode, Manthan can win the ball with his well timed tackles. He was pretty impressive in his first game for MS. Rushabh Lakhwani’s confidence was sky high as he debuted in goal versus Income Tax. Rushabh seemed like a picture of concentration as he pulled off some brilliant saves to keep MS in the game and helped them take a point home.
The debutants have impressed in their stints during the second game of the season and Head Coach Firmin D has his options open for the rest of the season. MS welcomes the newcomers and hope they have a wonderful season ahead.