Academy FAQs

Player Development Programs

How do I know which program is best for me or my child?

We have an extensive program offering that caters all levels of players, from the beginner to the elite players. There is a Performance Academy program that fits the needs of every player in the region.

Our Player Development Programs – Team Training Academy, Skill Development Training Programs – are best for developmental, travel and select players, ages 7 to 16.

The Regional Development Schools (RDS) is advanced training for more advanced players, including those who play premier and top-level club soccer, ages 8 to 14.

Our elite programs, including the Performance Academy Teams (ages 10 to 17) and the Performance Academy Training Center (ages 12 to 17), are for the region’s elite players who plan to pursue collegiate playing careers and hope to play professionally one day.

Can my child have a trial session to see if he/she likes it?

Yes, we give an opportunity to children to have a trial. Please fill in the registration form or contact the center of interest with this enquiry and we can arrange an appropriate session for your child to attend.

What needs to be brought to each session?

Footwear suitable for the surface, shin guards, named water bottle, tracksuit top/sweatshirt in winter period if necessary. Each player must wear an appropriate uniform (provided) for match day or a regular training session.

Is your training for boys only?

No. In fact, almost all of our programs are open to boys and girls.

Do you offer specialized goalkeeper training?

Yes, we have several programs specifically geared to goalkeepers.

What is the player to instructor ratio?

We maintain a player to instructor ratio between 16:1 and 12:1 for all of our Player Development Programs.

What does each participant receive at the session?

In addition to receiving top-level coaching and instruction, Player Development Program participants also receive an assortment of amenities that vary by program. Such amenities include: official Performance Academy t-shirt/Short, Mumbai Strikers Sling bag, tickets to a Mumbai Strikers match, on-field recognition at a Mumbai Strikers match and an opportunity to watch a first-team training session. The actual amenities vary by program.

How do I register for Player Development Programs?

Overviews of each of our Player Development Programs are available here. We have programs that meet the needs and skill level of almost every player.

Are there team or family discounts?

For teams who want additional training through the Performance Academy, we offer specific Team Academy programs. The total cost for those program usually ends up equating to a discounted program per participating player. We do not offer family discounts.

What if I experience difficulty registering online?

If you are unable to complete the online registration, please contact our offices and we can register you over the phone.

If it rains or forecasts call for excessive heat, will the training program be cancelled?

We do monitor the weather in each location each day. If thunder and/or lightning enter the area, we try to wait out the storm in a sheltered area. If we cannot return to the program given the weather, we make every effort to make up the missed time during the week at the other sessions. In the case of excessive heat, we take additional water breaks and also conduct some activities and rest periods in the shade, when available.

If I get sick or injured and cannot participate in the program I registered for, will I be able to get a refund?

We handle sickness and injuries on a case-by-case basis. When we can, we will re-schedule the player into another scheduled Academy session.

Academy Teams

In what age groups do offer have teams?

We have boys’ Under-8, Under-10, Under-12, Under-14, Under-16 and Under-18/19 teams. All our teams compete in the tournaments organised by the Mumbai District Football Association.

What kind of player is on the Mumbai Strikers Academy youth teams?

The Mumbai Strikers Academy youth teams are part of an elite player development program and are meant for only the region’s top players. All aspects of the program are conducted professionally and under the guidance of the Academy technical staff. The program is meant to develop players who will go on to play football at the highest levels, including professionally and collegiately.

How do I join the Mumbai Strikers academy teams?

Try-outs for the Mumbai Strikers academy teams are held each summer, usually in Apr and/or May, for interested players. We also strongly recommend that players who are interested in playing for the Mumbai Strikers youth teams participate in the Mumbai Strikers Academy’s advanced programs. Top players at those programs are offered invitations to the Mumbai Strikers Training Center, a supplemental training program which mimics the Mumbai Strikers training sessions and is held monthly, and is free of charge. Potential players who have participated in Mumbai Strikers Academy programs are seen by the Mumbai Strikers youth teams coaches for longer periods of time and in more game-like situations, and receive a stronger evaluation than players who try-out without any previous experience in the Mumbai Strikers Academy programs.

How much will it cost to play with the Mumbai Strikers youth teams?

Players and their families are not subject to any annual fees or charges in order to play for the Strikers. All players’ needs and expenses related to soccer activities – including training, facilities, equipment, uniforms and team Entry Fees associated with competitions – are provided and paid by the Strikers at no cost to the players or their families.

How much do the Mumbai Strikers youth teams train?

While in-season, the Mumbai Strikers youth teams typically train three (3) days a week in addition to games during the weekend. The teams generally train for 90 minutes window between 5 p.m. and 9 p.m., on weekdays. The Mumbai Strikers youth teams will not train during the summer months after the teams’ final competition.

May parents watch training sessions?

As the team promotes a professional environment, once the season begins, all training sessions closed to non-team personnel, including parents.

What types of off-field development do the teams do?

In addition to regular on-field training, players on the youth teams receive the following off-field benefits: academic support during all road trips, college counseling and advising, nutrition guidance, medical and athletic training support, strength & conditioning instruction and facilities, sports psychology support and video analysis.

How do the Mumbai Strikers youth teams travel to games?

For all home games and away games in the area, families are expected to provide for transportation to the games. For away games played outside of the city, the team will travel together by bus.

When the team is traveling, how much supervision will the players have?

The Mumbai Strikers youth teams travel with a full complement of staff to every away match. This generally includes at least two coaches and a communications staff member. The player to staff ratio can range from 7:1 to 10:1, depending on the match or competition.

How does the Mumbai Strikers youth teams staff assist players academically?

On every team road trip, the team has mandatory study hall hours in a quiet location, and staff is available to proctor tests and quizzes as needed by the players’ schools. Additionally, as players begin to evaluate college options, the Mumbai Strikers youth staff helps the players with various panels, counseling and recommendations.

How does the Mumbai Strikers youth team staff assist players during the recruiting process?

One of the greatest advantages of playing in the Mumbai District Football Association tournaments is the access college coaches have to watch players in elite playing environments. In addition to prime scouting opportunities, the Mumbai Strikers youth team staff works with players and their families to guide and counsel during the recruiting process.

How much interaction is there between the youth teams and the Mumbai Strikers first team?

The playing philosophy of the first-team - a technical, possession- and passing-based game - is carried over and also cultivated by the youth teams. The first-team technical staff is kept abreast of the youth teams’ performance, including players who have the potential to be signed by the club. The first-team coaches also attend youth team training sessions periodically to see the progress of the teams and players first-hand. In addition to the coaching staffs working together, the youth teams’ top players have the opportunity to train with the first team during school breaks, including during the summer months. Additionally, youth team players are routinely called up to practice alongside first-team players. Finally, players from the first team periodically meet with the youth teams to talk about their football careers and ask questions about life as a pro.